Wrightsville Manor | Selenia & James | October 22nd

When a couple contacts me to be their weekend-of coordinator, there is always a huge amount of information I have to get from them in order to make sure that there special day runs smoothly. This is complicated a bit when the couple lives halfway across the country, and we are never able to meet face to face. Selenia and James had chosen to have a destination wedding at the Wrightsville Manor; a gorgeous event space located in Wilmington, NC. After many emails and phone calls to get all the details in place, we were faced with one final obstacle as the wedding weekend drew nearer; the weather! We were throwing around ideas for backup plans, so we would be ready if we had to make a last minute decision as the ceremony was supposed to take place outside.The morning of the big day arrived, and event though there was a steady rain falling, Selenia was in good spirits as she arrived at the Manor to start getting ready in her bridal suite. We made the final call to move the ceremony inside as the rain was supposed to clear by the afternoon, but would leave the ground soggy and …read more
Source: BHI Weddings