Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

Living on an island without cars and with only golf carts to get from place to place affords one more of an – shall we say…observant? – perspective on your surroundings. Well, at least I think so since your vehicle’s doors are always open and basically, it’s easier to “see” stuff as you roll around the streets.
And, lately, I’ve seen some crazy things. Like a pink garden gnome. Now that’s something you don’t see every day…anywhere. Adam and I did a U-y to get the scoop on what the heck it was doing in the median by Timbercreek. So, Adam got up close and personal with this decorative fuchsia statue and found the following written on the back of it:
“Help! If lost, please return to (something, something) Cape Fear Trail.”
We kind of hemmed and hawed about whether or not we should obey the plea stamped on his wee forehead (honestly, we thought it might be a “punked” kind of situation, so we shamefully took a quick photo before leaving the poor thing alone in unfamiliar territory – this is us hanging our heads – ), but something or someone else obliged the directive since he disappeared the next day. One …read more
Source: Feasting on Bald Head