The Sweet Spot

It’s nice to be right.
Every well-trained husband will tell you that it’s a rare occurrence and to be relished when it happens.
The issue between Cheryl and me has been my contention that as delicious as ALL of her dishes are, her baking and desserts have always been above and beyond. I can say without bias that she makes the best Key Lime Pie I have ever eaten, her bread pudding is something out of a dessert lovers’ dreams and she makes even the K-car of cookies – the chocolate chip – into a thing of flavorful and textural wonder.
Cheryl always demurred and protested that her baked goods were good, but nothing to write home about.
So, you can imagine my satisfaction when The Sweet Spot on Bald Head Island opened last week to so much enthusiasm from our fellow islanders, both resident and visiting. I thank you all from the bottom of my husbandly heart for proving my point that Cheryl’s sweets are sweet indeed!
And, in the words of Emily Jarmosevich, Cheryl, “You are awesome!”
It’s nice to be right!
Life is good y’all, Stay tuned.
Hey! Come by and see us! Located in the newly-expanded (and most FABULOUS) All About Art on Merchant’s …read more
Source: Feasting on Bald Head