Over the Rainbow

Rainbow after the storm
Speaking of more island “firsts,” Adam and I just rode out our first tropical storm – Tropical Storm Ana.
Overall, she wasn’t a huge deal – just rather windy and lots and lots of rain over the last couple of days. Ana is on her way out now – with good riddance, if you ask me – leaving in her wake limbs and leaves and sticks and stones all over the place and deep puddles lining the roads. She huffed and puffed, but didn’t blow the house down – just a smallish tree that came over in the driveway. I dragged it to the curb yesterday in between bouts of the deluge while letting the dogs out. Lo and behold, it was already swept up by the hard working folks from BHI while we were having our first cup of coffee. They are a well-oiled machine, my friends, when it comes to after storm clean-up.
Thanks to everyone who checked in to make sure we were okay. We had water and wine, you know…the essentials for any self-respecting storm party – we played some cards and watched a movie or two. And, as we were sitting on the deck, …read more
Source: Feasting on Bald Head