Nobody Knows The Truffles I’ve Seen

Hi, guys! It’s me. I know, I know. It’s been a while. Okay, it’s been too long since I’ve posted about our life here. But, I have a good excuse/reason why I haven’t as much uttered a word to you: the sweet spot on bald head island.
Truth be told, I’ve missed this little corner, sharing our discoveries of our very own island paradise with you. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and we’ll catch up!
No one and I mean no one is more surprised than yours truly that we opened a bakery. A bakery! Not even a blip on a blip on the radar screen of our master plan when we moved here a little over a year ago. And, honestly, we’re not exactly sure how it even happened – a brief discussion with Joyce and Sue at the gallery, a hug or two for a handshake and a moment of blazing optimism (or incredible stupidity – perhaps?) But, it did, and what started out as a kind of lark turned into a full-throttle, fabulously successful business that has taken over our lives (but in a good way). After the first day of opening …read more
Source: Feasting on Bald Head