Bald Head Island, NC

May Days


Whew! What a week. I’ve been helping out my “girls” at the art galleries after our sweet Sue took a nasty tumble walking her dogs and broke her ankle in two places (not to mention injuring her other shoulder. Ouch!). Since they’ve opened their second location – All About Art…2 – a very chic, adorable boutique shop with lots and lots of pretties that are awfully dangerous for me to be around on a daily basis, they needed an extra hand since obviously Sue needs to rest up, so they gave me a call and I am more than happy to step up. It’s a fun gig for me, at any rate. They let me merchandise and style at whim, which takes me back to my retail roots. I forgot how much I enjoy doing that. Plus, I meet lots of new people, talk about my cooking classes and cooking parties (which are booking up fast!), promote Adam’s portrait photography and even sell my gourmet dog treats to boot.

It’s called “The Bald Head Island Barkery.” You know, “because life is ruff.”

I’ll get the t-shirts made.

Stop by and say hi and check out their new digs by the spa (across from …read more

Source: Feasting on Bald Head
