Friends of Music

Mark Daffer & Mike O’Donnell
Adam and I read about the Friends of Music Gala River Cruise in Claude’s e-mail last week and thought that might be a fun thing to do, but we got a little distracted with “stuff” and forgot to make reservations. Fast-forward to Friday afternoon – we’re parked outside of the market promoting the cooking classes and cooking parties, as well as Adam’s portrait photography (and even though I might be a wee bit biased, he takes the most amazing photos), and guess who showed up? Jeff – as in Friends of Music Jeff. Even though the event was “sold out,” he coyly put it out there that he might be able to squeeze in one or two more (wink, wink. nudge, nudge). So, we were in like Flynn. We polished up, bought a bottle of red and a bottle of white for our fare (those were the instructions – bring wine to share) and headed to the marina a few minutes before five. We shuffled in the line, presented our printed ticket to Captain Stubbing) okay, fine…to Jeff, but I am a big fan of the cheesy 80’s show, so I was having a little moment. …read more
Source: Feasting on Bald Head