Bald Head Island, NC

Category Archives: BHI Buzz

Friends of Music

posted by: cj_admin in: BHI Buzz

Mark Daffer & Mike O’Donnell Adam and I read about the Friends of Music Gala River Cruise in Claude’s e-mail last week and thought that might be a fun thing to do, but we got a little distracted with “stuff”

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A Dog’s Life on Bald Head

posted by: cj_admin in: BHI Buzz

Today, please meet Ollie! Name: “Hi. My name is Ollie. But I have all kinds of other names, too. Like Ollie-Lollie. Lollipop – I like that one a lot. Lols. Mister Lols. There’s also Mister Man. Um…Mister-Mister. L’il Man. Little

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Over the Rainbow

posted by: cj_admin in: BHI Buzz

Rainbow after the storm Speaking of more island “firsts,” Adam and I just rode out our first tropical storm – Tropical Storm Ana. Overall, she wasn’t a huge deal – just rather windy and lots and lots of rain over

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Firsts and Lasts

posted by: cj_admin in: BHI Buzz

Casey & Shannon Adam and I are experiencing a lot of “firsts” on the island – and this past weekend was a doozie. For the past eight years (I’m pretty sure that’s right), the island plays host to five Wounded

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Badwater Ultramarathon Returns to Bald Head Island

posted by: cj_admin in: BHI Buzz

The BADWATER® ultra running experience returns to the East Coast when the second BADWATER CAPE FEAR race takes place on Bald Head Island, North Carolina on March 21, 2015. Registration is now open at With 50km and 51-mile options,

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Badwater Ultramarathon Event Held on Bald Head Island in March

posted by: cj_admin in: BHI Buzz

AdventureCORPS, Inc., the masterminds behind the world-famous 135-mile Badwater® 135 Ultramarathon running race held every July between Death Valley and Mt. Whitney, have announced a three-race Badwater Ultra Cup for 2014. The series kicks off with the first ever East

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