Bluefish Bonanza

Five a.m. always comes too early on a Saturday and no one should have to be up at that hour without a compelling reason. (I can feel Cheryl rolling her eyes as I write this because she’s regularly up at 5 am – 4 in the summer – baking goodies for The Sweet Spot, but that’s a topic for another day…). In my case last Saturday, it was the Bluefish Bonanza, which I had been asked to photograph for the BHI Chamber.
A shower and two cups of coffee later, I arrived at Beach Access 39, shouldered my camera bag and walked out to the beach. A lone fisherman with his dog was staking claim to his spot, which he assured me would yield a winning bounty, and which, in fact did!
With the sunrise, lines went in the water and the competition began.
Throughout the morning, I roamed from beach access to beach access in search of the prize-winning bluefish, only to be met by smiling, but slightly puzzled, faces as it appeared nothing was biting. The largest fish caught were a 27” red drum (caught by Shannon Hagan) and a good-sized ray, but no bluefish of note. …read more
Source: Feasting on Bald Head