Bald Head Island, NC

A Dog’s Life on Bald Head


Today, please meet Ollie!

Name: “Hi. My name is Ollie. But I have all kinds of other names, too. Like Ollie-Lollie. Lollipop – I like that one a lot. Lols. Mister Lols. There’s also Mister Man. Um…Mister-Mister. L’il Man. Little Buddy. Bud…and Ollie…NO! But they only say that one when I’m having fun. Oh, and then there’s Mister Mayor of Poopville. I ‘m not sure what that one means, though.”

Age: “Oh, I’m still a baby – my first birthday was in November. I’m a Scorpio.”

Who is your mom?: “You are, silly!” [Cue big sloppy kiss.]

Breed: “I’m a Border Collie! And my sister is a white fluff ball Terrier. I think she’s a sheep, so I herd her all the time.”

Favorite BHI activities: “TENNIS BALL. THROW ME THE TENNIS BALL…and I’ll chase it and I’ll chase it and I’ll chase it. I like riding in the golf cart, too. But I don’t particularly like it when you take me to go see that big white dog that lives in the harbor after we play at the pavilion and give him my treats and pat him on the head. Naw. I don’t like that much at all.”

Any tricks you can do? …read more

Source: Feasting on Bald Head
