Bald Head Island, NC

Monthly Archives: May 2015

May Days

posted by: cj_admin in BHI Buzz

Whew! What a week. I’ve been helping out my “girls” at the art galleries after our sweet Sue took a nasty tumble walking her dogs and broke her ankle in two places (not to mention injuring her other shoulder. Ouch!).

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Friends of Music

posted by: cj_admin in BHI Buzz

Mark Daffer & Mike O’Donnell Adam and I read about the Friends of Music Gala River Cruise in Claude’s e-mail last week and thought that might be a fun thing to do, but we got a little distracted with “stuff”

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A Dog’s Life on Bald Head

posted by: cj_admin in BHI Buzz

Today, please meet Ollie! Name: “Hi. My name is Ollie. But I have all kinds of other names, too. Like Ollie-Lollie. Lollipop – I like that one a lot. Lols. Mister Lols. There’s also Mister Man. Um…Mister-Mister. L’il Man. Little

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Over the Rainbow

posted by: cj_admin in BHI Buzz

Rainbow after the storm Speaking of more island “firsts,” Adam and I just rode out our first tropical storm – Tropical Storm Ana. Overall, she wasn’t a huge deal – just rather windy and lots and lots of rain over

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Firsts and Lasts

posted by: cj_admin in BHI Buzz

Casey & Shannon Adam and I are experiencing a lot of “firsts” on the island – and this past weekend was a doozie. For the past eight years (I’m pretty sure that’s right), the island plays host to five Wounded

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