Bald Head Island, NC

Island Parcel Center


Where is the Island Parcel Center located?

IPC is located at 106 Lighthouse Wynd, which is across from the historical lighthouse Old Baldy & the Chapel and next to the Town Hall.

When is the IPC open?

You can send & receive packages Monday through Saturday from nine until four in the afternoon. Anyone with a post office box can go in at anytime to check their mail or drop off letters.

How should I label my package, in order to ensure its timely arrival?

Please put your name, the address of your rental home (not the name of the house), and a contact phone number (so they can notify you of its arrival).

 How will I know my package has arrived?

If you provide a contact number, they will notify you on your packages arrival. However, if you believe it may have arrived and have not heard from the IPC you can call them at (910)-457-9700.

How long will they hold my package?

IPC will hold your packages for five days and then they will be returned to sender.

What other services does the IPC offer?

If you’ve received a parking ticket, the easiest way to pay it is to use the terminal located right inside the front door, which is available twenty-four hours a day.